A shared territory

The BIO-PLATEAUX project is co-financed by the European Union through the Interreg Amazon Cooperation Program. It aims at developing the sharing of data, information and experiences on water and biodiversity in aquatic environments between French Guiana, Brazil and Suriname, particularly in the two transboundary basins of the Oiapoque and Maroni rivers.


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Conferences, working groups, trainings...

The events follow the progress of the different projects; do not hesitate to join us during one of our conferences to learn more! All conferences are listed on this site.
08/02/2021 11:30 -03:00 ° Online
14/01/2021 10:00 -03:00 ° Cayenne- Macapa- Paramaribo- Nice

Educational activities on the Maroni: students from Saint Laurent and Albina discover their river basin

Iporoma school Albina water classes 11/11/2021

During the week of November 8 to 12, additional awareness-raising activities (“water classes”) were conducted as part of the BIO-PLATEAUX project: three days in Saint Laurent du Maroni with the schoolchildren of the elementary school Jacques Voyer II and two days in Albina in the elementary schools of Iporoma and St Gerardus.