Tuesday 26th November 2019, the BIO-PLATEAUX Conference has held in Cayenne French Guiana , supported by IOWater
and in coordination with the Water Office of French Guiana
In partnership with stakeholders from Brazil and Suriname, the Conference highlighted transboundary water and biodiversity issues in the Oyapock and Maroni basins. Animated by scientific, technical and political speakers, three plenary sessions succeeded each other during the event in relation with the sharing of experiences and information to improve a better transboundary cooperation, the challenges of knowledge on pollution and pressures and prevention of natural risks in the transboundary basins.

The day after the Conference, a first Technical Working Group was organized where the actors met around an exchange on available information and on work leads. An inventory of all the players and their skills in the two basins made it possible to define the needs of the participants and the action plan of the project until 2021. This with the aim to create a Transboundary Observatory on water management and biodiversity associated to aquatic environments.