Young people on both banks of the Oyapock join forces with BIO-PLATEAUX for World Water Day

Date news
JME _ Oiapoque _ FCT OEG_ 21 03 2024

On the occasion of the World Water Day (22 March 2024), the BIO-PLATEAUX project organised an awareness week on the banks of the Oyapock River from 18 to 22 March 2024. The aim of the event is to highlight the challenges posed by the pollution of the river with waste. This is a major problem shared by both sides of the Oyapock.

On 18 March, water lessons were organised for primary schools in Saint-Georges (French Guiana) and Oiapoque (Amapa, Brazil) to explain how the great water cycle works, using models or visualisations of the transboundary river using virtual reality headsets.

Field trips allowed students to observe the Oyapock River first hand and study its biodiversity, for example by collecting water and plant samples for microscopic observations in class. Activities were also planned to explain the impact of waste on the river.

Local associations Ocean Science Logistic (OSL) and Sépanguy, in partnership with Citeo, led these activities with the support of the BIO-PLATEAUX project.

On 20 March, the students took part in a waste collection day, during a cross-border mayouri along the banks of the Oyapock, on the Brazilian and Guyanese sides, at four collection points. The waste collected is handed over to local eco-organisations for appropriate treatment. Collection kits, including gloves, hats, T-shirts and water bottles, are distributed to the children.

In Saint-Georges, Friday 22 March is dedicated to comparing experiences through a joint restitution and a supervised art workshop with pupils from both sides of the river.

The sequence will continue the following week with joint activities in Oiapoque from 25 to 28 March.


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Picture: Franck Chow Toun, OEG

Bioplateaux topics
Pollution and associated pressures (contamination of water and aquatic environments ; focus on mercury)