As a result of the BIO-PLATEAUX International Conference which was held on November 26, 2019, in the presence of the competent ministerial and territorial authorities, the partners of the BIO-PLATEAUX project signed the Cayenne Statement, which incorporates the following orientations:
« 1. A better characterization of water resources and aquatic biodiversity is recommended in both river basin, by the strengthening of environmental monitoring, knowledge on quantity and quality, including by using advanced technologies such as space hydrology;
2. The sharing of available information, experiences and knowledge is essential to support the decision -making. It can be implemented through common produced data valuation tools (online platform, metadata catalogs, etc.). It can also be promoted through regular meetings between technical actors and data producers on transboundary basins;
3. Implementation of the BIO-PLATEAUX project should be progressive in order to ensure ownership for the actors and strengthen common trust. Therefore, pilot actions should be implemented on data production and homogenization, training, information and knowledge sharing.
4. In a long term perspective, the existence of a cross-border Observatory on water resources, conceived as a place for knowledge and experiences sharing, would facilitate the development of a sustainable exchange framework adapted to stakeholders needs ;
5. The partners emphasize on the pertinence of a wide publicity for promoting the conference conclusions, both to inform the populations and actors and to support the adhesion to the project.”