Field mission from November 23 to 27, 2020
Since BIO-PLATEAUX Conference of November 2019, the various exchanges between Surinamese and French stakeholders has shown the need to improve knowledge with the installation and rehabilitation of hydrology stations emerged priority for issues of quantity risk management (floods/droughts) and securization of drinking water supply.
During the 16th November Maroni technical committee, organized within the framework of the BIO-PLATEAUX project and dedicated to hydrology, the Hydrological Monitoring Unit (CVH) of the Directorate of Territory and Sea of French Guiana informed the Surinamese partners of the preparation of a mission for the maintenance of the stations of the French hydrometric measurement network along the Maroni from 23 to 27 November 2020. This happened to be a good opportunity in order to share the mission program with the Hydraulic Laboratory of the Surinamese Ministry of Publics Works (WLA), and articulate together the activities, towards field information and observation expected by WLA.

With a departure from Saint-Laurent to Taluen on the Maroni River, the CVH team carried out the maintenance of the stations within the framework of its regular missions and the observations related to the Surinamese stations on the left bank of the Maroni. In order to support this last objective, a representative of the International Office for Water, on behalf of BIO-PLATEAUX coordination, participated to this mission.