an experience feedback aanmaken

Veuillez présenter le projet en quelques lignes avec :
-Descriptif du projet,
-Actions mises en œuvre,
General Information

Supporting structure of the project

Please indicate the precise geographic area of the project

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Please indicate the environmental, social and/or economic context of the project. Examples: description of environments, description of pressures, regulatory framework on the project.

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A qui bénéficie le projet ?

Quelles ont été les étapes clés du projet et les actions menées ?

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Who are the main partners of the project and the stakeholders involved and/ or targeted? Indicate the level of involvement of these stakeholders and on which step(s) of the project?

The Financing

Veuillez indiquer les différentes sources de financement du projet et le/les commanditaires. Exemples de source de financement : subventions, prêt participatif.

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Veuillez indiquer les résultats du projet et bénéfices environnementaux, sociaux et/ou économiques observés lors des différentes étapes du projet et après la clôture. Possibilité d’inclure des rapports, des tableaux des graphiques.

Veuillez lister les différents facteurs qui ont permis la réussite du projet. Exemples : facteurs techniques, économiques et politiques, accompagnement technique, levier financier.

Veuillez lister les difficultés rencontrées. Exemples : les contraintes majeures à la réalisation du projet.

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Please indicate the publications which talk about the project, in the form of:

Title of the article or publication, Name(s) of the author(s) or organization (s), Year, Field URL

Example: Assessment of the ecological quality of watercourses on the basis of the development of benthic communities: development of the multimetric index for French Guiana, DIREN-IRD (Quality Network of Continental Waters of French Guiana), 2009,

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Fields for uploading files (maps, data, photos)
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By filling in this form, you accept that your personal data will be collected by the International Office for Water (IOWater) to appear in the directory of BIO-PLATEAUX Observatory. The data collected will not be used for other purpose; at any time, you can request the modification or deletion of data concerning you, by writing to the following address:

BIO-PLATEAUX is an International project, the experience feedback is intended to be communicated online to actors in France, French Guiana, Brazil and Suriname. It will be available for consultation to everyone online. Therefore, IOWater is not able to prevent subsequent use of the data by third parties.

In accordance with the current regulation, you have a right of opposition and access. These rights can be exercised by contacting the IOWater Data Protection Officer at the following address:

After having contacting us, if you believe that your “data processing and freedoms” rights are not respected, you can address a complaint to a competent authority (for example, CNIL in France).